Thursday, November 10, 2005

Five Minutes a Day...

It's not easy to quiet the restless mind. Life comes at us in warp speed these days. Cell phones, fax machines, instant messaging. Where are the still moments? The moments when we can dream, when we can move into a peaceful place and simply think without being bombarded by the craziness? We need to make those moments. No one is going to give them to us. We must demand them. We need to say no more often to others, and say yes to ourselves. Even five minutes will help, but I challenge you to start with fifteen. Set the timer if need be. Close your eyes, put your feet up. Let the quiet absorb you and see what comes to you. (Not the errands or cleaning or work projects--they must wait outside your mind) This is when you refill the well, calm the spirit, heal the soul. Breathe. You deserve it. Don't ask for permission from anyone but yourself . TAKE IT, then seize the moment.

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