Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Who doesn't love a surprise? And when it happens as I'm writing, it's so very, very cool. In BLACKHAWK'S LEGACY, the surprise was Teresa (okay, if you haven't read the book, you have no idea who I'm talking about, if you have read it, then you're probably surprised that she was a surprise) Teresa didn't exist in my first draft of the book, then one day as I was writing along, the skies sort of opened up and dropped her write into my book as a major character. She was, and is, very special to me, and I intend to give her a book of her own one day. Anyhoo, back to yesterday, I was writing a scene, trying to get some "sparks" flying between Kiera, my heroine, and Sam, my hero. And up pops this gangly teenager who practically takes over the scene. I had to literally remove him by tweaking his ear and telling him to stop staring at Kiera. Picture Jessica Alba for my heroine, David Borneaze(I don't know how to spell his last name) for my hero. The guy who was Angel, from Buffy. That's what makes writing so fun, lads and lassies. The unexpected, and when a character just feels SO real, like you really really know them. I'm off to see what surprises me today, and may all your surprises be GOOD ones!

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